
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Eating Disorders

The term 'eating disorders' covers a range of conditions including Anorexia nervosa, Bullimia nervosa, binge eating and compulsive overeating - and to a certain extent, obesity.
Our panel consisted of:
Dr Caroline Reynolds from the Richardson Eating Disorder Service at the RVI
Sharon Cox, Counsellor and NLP practitioner
Maria Lavelle from Them Wifies
Helen Allott of NIWE and Getting a Grip
Maureen McGrath of NIWE

It was made abundantly clear that eating distress affects people in all social classes and communities in the UK. There can be a misperception that it only affects young, white, middle class girls but this is far from the case and many of the women coming to NIWE and other help organisations are in the older age groups.
There are also many ways of getting help and we attempt to give a list of phone numbers and websites here.
Do listen to the show, which is the best way of seeing that if you or a family member or friend are going through these problems - help is close at hand.

NIWE Eating distress service  NIWE aims to provide support to all those in North East England whose lives are affected by eating distress, or eating disorders. We do this by providing a range of services including a telephone help line, group support, introductory meetings, information and training. We also work to increase knowledge and awareness of eating distress and its effects.
NIWE Eating Distress Service, Unit 5/6 1 Pink Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 5DW
Tel: 0191 221 0233   E–mail:

NHS Information on eating disorders: NHS

Beat National Helpline - very accessible for young people
Beat has a helpline for carers and sufferers  0845 634 1414 Mon-Fri 10.30 - 8-30, Saturday 1pm-4.30
Beat youthline 0845 634 7650 Mon-Fri 4.30-8pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30
there is also a forum on the website where people offer very sympathetic help to each other.
The phone lines are principally listening posts and will give signposts to help organisations

0191 257 9234 07751 722744
Among other things, Sharon can give information in schools and colleges.

REDS   website
When you log on to the site, make sure your speakers are turned on - there is a short film detailing the services offered by REDS   0191 282 5259

Getting a Grip   Personal Development
01670 737985

Them Wifies     0191 257 9234    077 517 22744