No Excuse is a new monthly radio programme which will broadcast on
NE1fm on the last Friday of every month starting on 25 March 2011.
Each month we will cover a different issue for which there is
This includes racism, domestic abuse, bullying, homophobia, xenophobia, isolation, ageism, size-ism, discrimination and prejudice of all kinds - but also situations such as financial panic which may be the result of an abrupt change in personal circumstances.
Addressing the Issue
The first hour of the programme will consist of interviews with people in the Newcastle and Gateshead area who are currently experiencing some form of negative situation, or have done so in the past.
These interviews can be done in any place where the victim/survivor feels safe. Their voices can be disguised if preferred and we will never, ever give a person’s real name unless they specifically request it.
If a person prefers the interview to be conducted by their key worker or someone else already known to them, we can either simply record the interview, or teach the questioner how to use the equipment themselves.
The main aim of this sector is to reach people in our audience who are undergoing similar situations but who have not, as yet requested help. In so many cases people feel isolated and do not know where to turn.
Where, How and When to get help
The second half of the programme aims to offer a broad range of possibilities for solving the problems. We will ask representatives of both statutory and voluntary organisations to share advice about what people can do, who they can phone and where they can go for help.
The emphasis will be on the fact that there
is help out there and people do not have to suffer isolation and misery any longer. We will aim to ensure that the advice is as inclusive as we can manage; making sure that we consider older people, the BME community, the LGBT community, families, single parents etc. - Be sure to let us know if you feel your situation is being overlooked.
As we spread the word about our plans, we are pleased to see the strongly positive reactions we are getting from organisations and individuals on both sides of the issues.
The following have already agreed to work with us to give current advice and alternatives:
Victim Support
Women's Aid
John Allan (Teams Community Centre)
North-East LGBT Domestic Abuse Forum
Whitehouse Lane Youth Club
Probation Service
Tyneside Womens Health
Gateshead Financial Inclusion
We invite organisations in Newcastle and Gateshead to contact us if they have clients who would like to take part in this series of radio programmes.
We also welcome feedback regarding the subjects we are planning to cover.
Each programme will have an accompanying blog post, giving names and contact details for all the agencies and organisations discussed on air, together with any additional information we have to hand.
Where possible we will also direct people to classes and workshops where they can work on their issues in the company of others with similar problems. We are eager to work with other projects and organisations to help make this possible.
The No Excuse team from NE1fm and
the Kittiwake Trust undertake to
respect the privacy of all individuals
who agree to let us broadcast their
NO EXCUSE stories.